Do You Choose Yarn or Project First? A Question Asked By Knitters and Crocheters
Posted by Kelly Holtsclaw on Aug 1st 2024
Yarn lovers, let's talk about a really important topic: Do you pick your project first or your yarn first? This is like the age-old chicken or the egg question, but with yarn!
Choosing whether to pick your project first or your yarn first can be quite challenging. Let's consider a few things when approaching this age-old question.
Selecting Yarn First: For the spontaneous souls of the fiber world, selecting yarn first ignites creativity. It's a process where a skein of yarn becomes the source of inspiration, drawing you in with its colors, texture, and feel. This approach allows for creative freedom, transforming the yarn into something beautiful and unique.
Choosing the Project First: If you lean towards planning and organization, you might prefer picking your project first. With a vision in mind, a clear plan, and maybe even a mood board, you embark on the quest for the perfect yarn to bring your project to life. Like selecting the ideal paint color for your living space, having a concrete vision can drive your yarn selection process.
The Middle Ground: Many of us find ourselves somewhere in between these two approaches. Sometimes, a project idea sparks the search for the perfect yarn, while at other times, a captivating skein of yarn becomes the catalyst for a new creation. This flexibility allows for a blend of structured planning and spontaneous creativity, ensuring that there is no wrong or right method. So, craft with confidence, knowing that your unique approach is the right one for you.
Whether you find yourself drawn to meticulous planning or are guided by the allure of exciting yarn, remember that both methods work. The key is to revel in the joy of the creative process and craft something you adore. There have been many times when I bought a yarn thinking it would be perfect for __________ project, only to get part way through and not like it! What do I do? It depends. If it is a project I knew I wanted to gift, I will find a more appropriate yarn. If I loved the yarn and was making the project as an 'excuse' to get the yarn? I WILL find the right project for the yarn. Many times, just working with the yarn confirms or reveals the perfect project.
So, are you part of Team Project, Team Yarn, or perhaps a bit of both? No matter your preference, the ultimate goal is to revel in the joy of creating remarkable pieces with yarn that resonates with you. Remember, the choice is yours, and it's all about what brings you the most joy and satisfaction in your crafting journey.