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Five Quick Tips for Caring for Your Wool Yarns and Finished Items

Five Quick Tips for Caring for Your Wool Yarns and Finished Items

Posted by Kelly Holtsclaw on Jun 29th 2024

This quick guide is an excellent resource for knitters and crocheters who want to keep their wool yarns looking and feeling their best. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Wash wool yarns by hand with cool water and gentle wool wash. Avoid agitating or wringing. Lay flat to dry.
  • Store wool yarns in cool, dry places away from sunlight and moisture. Use breathable containers.
  • Prevent moth damage with airtight containers or natural repellents like lavender.
  • Block wool projects to smooth stitches and achieve a polished finish.
  • Repair minor yarn damage by weaving in loose ends or felting small holes.

By following these tips, you can be confident that your wool projects will last for years to come, showcasing your skills and dedication in the craft!